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Antonio Villas-Boas Abduction Case. Brazil, SA. 10.15.1957

Antonio Villas-Boas Abduction Case. Brazil, SA. 10.15.1957

The Antonio Villas-Boas case is one of the most notable and controversial incidents in the history of UFO and extraterrestrial encounters. It occurred in Brazil on October 15, 1957, and is particularly significant due to its detailed account of an alleged alien abduction and sexual encounter.

The Incident

Antonio Villas-Boas, a 23-year-old Brazilian farmer, claimed that while working at night on his family's farm near São Francisco de Sales, he observed a red star in the sky. This light approached and revealed itself to be an egg-shaped craft with a rotating top. The craft landed in the field, and as Villas-Boas attempted to flee, he was captured by small humanoid beings and taken aboard the spacecraft.

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Inside the UFO

Villas-Boas described being subjected to a series of examinations by the beings, who he said were about 1.5 meters tall, wore tight-fitting clothes, and had large, blue, slanted eyes. He was stripped, covered in a gel-like substance, and placed in a room where a gas was administered, which made him feel ill.

The Sexual Encounter

According to Villas-Boas, after some time in the room, a female alien entered. She was described as having human-like features with bright red hair, deep blue eyes, and a high-pitched voice. Villas-Boas claimed that they had sexual intercourse, during which the female alien made sounds he interpreted as expressions of pleasure. He believed this act was a deliberate attempt to create a hybrid child, and that he was being used as a "stud" to impregnate the alien.

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Return and Aftermath

After the encounter, Villas-Boas was taken back outside the craft and watched it ascend and disappear. He reported feeling unwell and exhibiting symptoms such as nausea, weakness, and headaches in the days following the incident. These symptoms led him to seek medical help.


The case caught the attention of Dr. Olavo Fontes, a Brazilian physician and UFO researcher affiliated with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a U.S.-based organization. Fontes conducted interviews and examined Villas-Boas, noting his consistent and detailed recounting of the event, as well as the physical symptoms that seemed to corroborate his story.

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Fontes' Report to NICAP

In 1966, during a trip to Washington, D.C., Dr. Olavo Fontes shared the Villas-Boas case with Richard Hall and other members of NICAP. This report helped to elevate the case to international prominence, drawing attention from UFO researchers and enthusiasts worldwide. Fontes' involvement lent a degree of credibility to the case, as he was a respected figure in the UFO research community.

Legacy and Controversy

The Antonio Villas-Boas case remains one of the most detailed and sensational accounts of alien abduction in UFO lore. It has been both scrutinized and celebrated in the field of ufology. Skeptics argue that the case lacks corroborative evidence and could be a fabrication or misinterpretation of events. However, believers point to Villas-Boas' consistent testimony and the involvement of reputable investigators like Dr. Fontes as evidence of its authenticity.

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The case continues to be a subject of debate and fascination, contributing to the broader discussion of extraterrestrial encounters and their implications for humanity.


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